Acupuncture services are available to all primary care patients who have had a primary care visit at a Culinary Health Center within the last 12 months.
Acupuncture comes from traditional Chinese medicine. It is used to treat pain, reduce stress, and improve wellness. When receiving acupuncture, our acupuncturist will examine you and assess your condition. They will create a treatment plan for you and insert one or more thin, sterile needles into your body. The needles rebalance the body’s energy (also known as “qi”). It helps your body release natural chemicals to fight the illness or symptoms.
Acupuncture can help you with many health issues, such as:
- Arthritis
- Ankle sprain
- Back pain
- Bell’s palsy
- Fibromyalgia (condition that causes aches and pains all over the body)
- Headaches and migraines
- Joint pain
- Knee pain
- Low back pain
- Menstrual cramps
- Muscle pain
- Myofascial pain (disorder that causes muscle pain)
- Nausea (feeling like youʼre going to vomit) due to surgery, pregnancy, or cancer treatment (chemotherapy)
- Neck pain
- Pain from osteoarthritis of the hip or knee
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Sports injuries
How to use the Culinary Health Center
- To make an appointment, call 702-790-8000.
You must be a Primary Care patient at the Culinary Health Center. Once you’ve had your first primary care visit, you can then use the Culinary Health Centerʼs acupuncture services.
What is my copay?
- There’s NO COPAY for acupuncture at Culinary Health Center.
- There’s a $15 copay for in-network acupuncture visits outside of the health center.
- There is NO limit to the number of acupuncture visits at the Culinary Health Center.
- In-network acupuncture services outside of the Culinary Health Center are limited to just 12 visits per year.
Acupuncture providers
Pang Kuo “George” Hsu
- Acupuncture
Available at
Farolyn McSweeney
- Acupuncture
Available at
Matthew Roderick
- Acupuncture
Available at